Digital Stickers?

I thought it might fun to place digital stickers on random images found on social media. I chose this New Yorker image/ad for 3 reasons: 1) It’s a great image – well illustrated and all-around brilliant. 2) It’s a great cause to re-share and piggyback the BR Unite campaign on a larger entity message/ad. 3) Anyone that knows me, I’m a huge fan of juxtaposition. Its amusing to have a ‘cute’ duck graphic in the same scene as a scary and dark-light scene. Enjoy and send me other ideas, I’m hoping to ‘sneak’ a new one out soon.
Background on the BR-Unite duck image is available on another posting.
Also checkout and participate (pledge or share) in my kickstarter.NewYorkerBR

Digital Badge Art Started

SPOILER ALERT: I’m happy to announce that I began the digital pledge badges today. This is a digital badge only found in $20-$40 pledge. Below are the iterations. A & D are for single-person with difference on their names style. C is the family level pledge and could be single-use or be added to a family-badge (in addition, several individuals in the family could have single-person names). B is reserved for a organizational level or a family/person that has given beyond their category of pledge-type. Also to note, I originally wanted to bring about a sense of difference from the main BR UNITE graphic – so I added a star. As I designed more, I realized the star could represent an amount of pledges (As of this writing, I’m not sure the $1 pledges counts, but it could – Jury is out)  More information can found about BR-UNITE stickers or my kickstarter. I thought I was thinking too much but there is currently a family-level pledge. Thanks in advance! Keep up the support by sharing the BR-UNITE duck art. Send feedback if you have time today.Screen Shot 2020-04-13 at 1.41.24 PM

Stickers too-sticky? Consider Magnets?

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My newest backer suggested magnets since they are easily moved around various surfaces with ease. I looked into the possibility and Sticker Mule was accepting orders. So, I had to test them right? I placed the smallest quantity to get my $10 discount. Within the hour, I just approved the quote and proof for magnet graphics. Let me know if you’re interested or have ideas for the pledge.

If you can pledge, please do…If not, please share this link:

– Thank You!

Indy Design Week – May 13-17

Indy Design Week or IDW19 is pushing forth a design focus and campaign like no other event in Indianapolis. Beginning the week of May 13th, Indianapolis will host a series of city-wide events throughout the week, as well as a major line-up of speakers on its core meeting days.DzxyvhLWwAAIzlJ.jpg-large


Lilly Sub-Branding


Specific: Understanding the parts of the identity and how they connect was an important factor to communicate.

General: This was a sub-brand for an initiative Lilly was attempting to launch. Helping the team see various ways that the messaging can be applied to identity creation was important and fun.


Above: The images above are variations of how to depict a lens made from many overlapping colors while still remaining to be viewed as a lens.


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Above: Once the identity was accepted, the next plan was to test how it worked on controlled white environments and also to explore how the logo would work on non-white color spaces

Fusion Alliance: Print Brochure


Above: This spread shows a very clean approach to copy combined with a diagram depicting the process for working through the Fusion Alliance (Solution Realization Model – SRM).

Related Projects: The SRM was an entirely separate project which will have its own link eventually. The SRM project entailed working with upper management and sales to identify key sales markets and how Fusion Alliance best fits into the client’s challenge.


Above: This spread is unique due to have the opening on the left page has a die cut that allow the user to see a new message on the past spread. The rightmost page has a transparency overlay with a series of words that are forwards or backwards depending how the page is flipped.

Related Projects: No stock art was used the publication. We photographed real employees with a real photographer over 2 days. Art Director, Photo Direction


Above: This spread is a beautiful rendition of flat clean design (Single Spot PMS ink). Left side has an image that can be seen through an transparent overlay depicting two part of the Fusion Alliance Company.

Related Projects: No stock art was used the publication. Actual employees were photographed over 2 days. Art Direction, Photo Direction


Above: This spread is very simple by design to let the messaging take hold of the reader and become unencumbered by complexity in other spreads.

Related Projects: Typographic applications.

General: This project was a collaboration between Fusion Alliance’s internal marketing team and an external design company. My role was to finish the project and steward the final piece through the final printing process. Skills used in the piece where the following: Management, photo direction, pre-press, photo editing, pre and post printing activities.