The author has respect for both UX and UI. He also has a passion to produce and interact with UI and UX. This article is meant to frame our approach with a differential enabling discussion and work product reviews.

Any way you color UX, its still UX right? Not always.ux-2
Before discussing UX, Lets look at the details a bit deeper. Today, UX and UI get bundled together as a single category. Managers usually plan UX as its own element (See Diagram below) Some companies will use UX-UI as if they are the same thing…which they are not. UX and UI are two very different disciplines that happen to share space.
To ensure that my audience can understand the vastness of overlapping details, I’ve provided a Venn diagram (below) depicting the levels of overlapping disciplines in the UX spectrum. UI is a sub-set which is typically page-based and focuses on simple and complex objects which aid moving along the experience path connection.
Ok..what now? Now I know the UX spectrum the larger question, and why you’re here should be “What kind of UX designer are you looking for?” Lucky for you, theres already an interesting article that explains the mystery. There is also a chart (below, taken from the article) that shows the various degree available to the UX Design space.

The final question should be, “What kind of Designer are you Mr. Velasco?” I am the 4th from the top, The UX designer (See the tiny bee?). I have experience in research, Ideation and Prototyping and Design. I have a high affinity for coding but do not code.

Hopefully, I have helped everyone see the vastness of the UX spectrum and understand it a bit more.