Stickers too-sticky? Consider Magnets?

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My newest backer suggested magnets since they are easily moved around various surfaces with ease. I looked into the possibility and Sticker Mule was accepting orders. So, I had to test them right? I placed the smallest quantity to get my $10 discount. Within the hour, I just approved the quote and proof for magnet graphics. Let me know if you’re interested or have ideas for the pledge.

If you can pledge, please do…If not, please share this link:

– Thank You!

Missing Wireframes?

As I talk to clients & recruiters about my depth of market space,  I am sometimes told that “there aren’t enough wire-frame examples on your website.” For this reason, I’ve decided to attempt to show the footprint of missing content.
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Am I missing current work examples? Yes. There are 7 total projects in the last 3 years that are not on my website. Most are missing due to confidentiality agreements and HIPPA. I truly respect my past clients so their data will never be shown on my website, emailed, placed in digital forms, etc. With that said, I can discuss my role in the projects as well as the challenges to my role in client environments.


Indy Design Week – May 13-17

Indy Design Week or IDW19 is pushing forth a design focus and campaign like no other event in Indianapolis. Beginning the week of May 13th, Indianapolis will host a series of city-wide events throughout the week, as well as a major line-up of speakers on its core meeting days.DzxyvhLWwAAIzlJ.jpg-large


Newly Added

I was auditing my site today (Feb 21) and noticed there was a Sketch section with no sketches. Thats not me! I love grabbing a pencil or dry erase marker and going to town. I’m adding a small blog snippet to re-direct people to the newly updated sketch page. You can see one sketch below. I’ve also added 2 User Journey Maps. They are under work-product since they weren’t created a specific deliverables, but they were useful for conversation with business people and content writers. I’ve also added a journey map after the sketch below.Screen shot 2012-06-10 at 12.12.31 PM

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Sentricon: Appreciated Disgust


Above: This was the homepage with one photo from the carousel of three images. The basic layout was made to be a convergent approach to messaging from the top-down approach beginning with the homepage. One large image and one message which gets split into 3 diverse messaging channels. (Note: the social icons were not added by me in this screen shot)Sentricon_web_h2.png

Above: This is the same homepage layout showing another photo. This was an amazing differentiator to the client. The photography was from a distance insect photographer Ph.D. in Entomology; Alex Wilde. His attention to detail and beauty was amazing and unique. I licensed three amazing images for this project to give detail and beauty to something so horrible and destructive to household wood in general.Sentricon_web_m1.png

Above: The other strong and effective messaging was the ability to re-direct with objects within the site.

Below: While only one advert-tout is shown above, below you will find 3 of the full 16 of these objects. Each object had a ‘green rest state’ and a ‘purple mouseover state’. All the message objects were basically macro-projects for the website. I worked with a talented writer and roughed out a large amount of content for the website.


Today: This project is one my older but it is one of my favorites. And while I’d like think think the client has long moved on…I will still see these pop up every once in a while.

Drees Homes: Web Refresh

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Above: This layout was a new way that could be updated over time so as the website could remain fresh for a longer period of time. This was a dynamic shot with an emphasis on amenities of neighborhoods.

General: Drees was needing a better website with a gentle nudge to the future.Screen Shot 2015-01-21 at 12.18.29 AM.png

Above: One of the approaches for the design was to really push everything out to be as clean as possible. Use of typography with hinted icons to bring about specificity without clutter. leadgen_click_crop.jpg

Above: One of the most innovative approaches of effective interaction, was the use of the ‘sticky objects’. These object strategically follow the user without impeding the user journey.


Above: Clean and neat. This is one example of a core design use and application of elegant and clean design.

Wire framing and Exploration

Typically companies rely on boxes and lists to display data. This was an exploratory exercise to start an early concept of an app that would be able to help a company manage their employees usage better then Excel spreadsheets. The work-product below is shown with a balance of wire-frame and light design application.fa_wire1.png

Above: One of the fundamental differences that app would have a core was the ability to show a lot of data in a tight and fluid format(s)fa_wire4.png

Above: The mobile version would still have the strong circular approach to show data.fa_wire2.png

Above: Having a large amount of T-cell people made tracking and application difficult. This diagram was illustrating a system for managing individuals with multiple skills and multiple applications to new work.fa_wire5.png

Above: The desktop version had the most room to display the data. This layout is showing how the desktop version would use the larger space available.

Lilly Banner Ad Development



Specific: These layouts are one of the many iterations to visually check that the brand is being accurately depicted as well as maintaining brand rules within a very fluid environment of the banner placement networks.

General: Lilly was moving with a very aggressive deadline for a multi-agency global campaign. At the time the banner ad networks were moving away from Flash banners and replacing them with html, css, online fonts, etc.

Other Projects:

enosiX: Quick Work Quickly


Specific: Obviously a beautiful shot used with the expressed purpose to show the pent up energy of a runner as it directly relates to SAP applications.


Above: The challenge to enosiX was to engage in the large market of ‘middleware’. This pages purpose is to immediately connect and engage the user. The image was chosen as it relates to complexity and simplicity at the same time. Slightly on the cliche but impactful for the question at hand.

Related Projects: Stock Purchasing for responsive web design and Retina applications.


Above: enosiX had a high appreciation for professionally created photography with an artistic approach. Our content team really wanted a single message but also a layered duality and two options for user engagement buttons. The challenge was to be able to find an image that satisfied both our client and supported the message while maintaining a good presence responsive design layouts.

Related Projects: Stock Purchasing for responsive web design and Retina applications.


Above: The software was still in production but we had to show parts of it in certain context of the copy being used on certain pages. Taking a cue from Apple, we kept a very clean approach displaying a layout of their software.

Related Projects: Stock Purchasing for responsive web design and Retina applications.

General: This project was a quick website for a start-up client enosiX ( My role was to steward the young-client’s brand in a very fast paced production time-line. Skills used in the piece where the following: Media Assett Mangagment, photo direction, photo editing.

Related Projects: Stock Purchasing for responsive web design and Retina applications.